Salamander Stout

This is an extract recipie and makes 5 gallons.

Specialty grains:

               1 lbs Muntons roasted nonmalted black barley     600 lovabond
               1 cup Muntons crystal malt                       50 lovabond

Put the cracked specialty grains in a nylon grain bag.

Bring 3 gallons of water up to 150oF and then seep the grains for 15 minutes.

Remove grain bag when temperature reaches 170oF and bring to boil.

Add 6 lbs of Light malt extract and return to boil.

Add 0.25 Cups of honey.

Add  2oz of Northern Brewers leaf hops at last 45 minutes of boil.

Add 1 tsp of Irish moss at last 10 minutes of boil.

Cool wort and put into fermenter.  Bring up to 5 gallons with spring water.

Pitch with Irish Ale yeast ( Wyeast).

Let ferment 62 - 66oF for 2 weeks.

Prime with 0.5 cups of priming sugar and let bottle condition for 2 weeks.

I did not take a specific gravity reading before or after so I don’t know the 
alcohol conversion efficiency that was achieved.

I use Highbridge Springs Springwater as my water source.

All recipes are copywrited by R.S. Hilgarth. Can be used for personal use only. If you want to publish this recipe please contact Webmaster